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Evidenced based help & support to Nuture harmony so you can live a rich and meaningful life with your new baby.
BUT HolisticBaby advice, information, resources and support are of general nature.
It is not intended to replace personalised information about your baby provided by a Medical Practitioner or Natural Practitioner but to positively support you to make informed decisions in this often confusing time.
NOTE: HolisticBaby advice can include Medical practices and Natural ideas that have not always been researched or controlled trialled. HolisticBaby advice can be based on common sense.
HolisticBaby advice may suggest to get a definite diagnoses of the problem from either your Doctor, Midwife, Well-child provider or Naturopath before trying to find a solution.
HolisticBaby advice is not a standard answer for everyone as you are all individuals.
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